5 Reasons Why BCRS Machines Are The Best Places To Find Love In Malta

    Ask any of your single friends what the dating scene in Malta is like right now, and you’ll be met with the thousand-yard stare of a war veteran asked to recount their time in the trenches. Once the flashbacks have subsided, they’ll complain about being ghosted, the tiny size of the country’s dating pool and how the apps are more toxic than a fire at Magħtab landfill.

    But what if I told you there exist a handful of unlikely places scattered around the island where the conditions are perfect for kindling a new romance? Forget Tinder and Bumble, the best place to find love in Malta in 2024 is at the BCRS machines.

    I get it – you’re sceptical. How could a reverse vending machine reverse your crippling loneliness? Glad you asked…

    1. Conversation starter

    One of the most nerve-wracking things about approaching a stranger who’s caught your eye is figuring out what to open with. When you’re waiting in the queue for the BCRS machines, the answer is easy: “These things suck so much, don’t they? They’re always either full or not working.” Boom, you’re in. Then you talk about how the idea itself is great but the execution is terrible but also it’s true that there’s less litter and hey do you want to go for a drink some time?

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