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Maltese hunters terrified by online petition

Karl Stennienibarra

Maltese bird hunters have expressed their terror at an online petition against the takeover of the Miżieb and L-Aħrax woodland areas that is being shared on social media.

The government’s plans to hand over stewardship of the two areas to hunters was first exposed last April, while an email sent this week by hunting federation FKNK to the Mellieħa local council – who say they have not been told anything about the agreement – suggests the agreement will be made official imminently.

In response, an online petition protesting the handover has been set up on Change.org.

“Oh no, not an online petition? We’re so scared. Thousands of virtual signatures will surely be enough to stop the handover from going ahead,” FKNK president Joe Perici Calascione told Bis-Serjetà.

“We may own guns, but we quake in our boots whenever we’re faced with online activism. It was so effective during the hunting referendum a few years ago,” he added.

Perici Calascione noted that if the petition reached its target of 25,000 signatures, Prime Minister Robert Abela would definitely rip up the agreement.

“Abela and his government have a reputation for listening to people’s concerns and not riding roughshod over residents, while also never bending over backwards to appease lobby groups like ours in exchange for votes.”

The signing-over ceremony will take place this Sunday at 4pm in the Mizieb car park, and will be attended by Infrastructure Minister Ian Borg, environment minister Aaron Farrugia, and Parliamentary Secretary for Lands Chris Agius.

“It sure would be a shame if people who are angry at the decision were to disrupt the ceremony. What if everyone who signed turns up in person? It’s highly likely it will happen and the very thought sends chills down my spine.”

Despite his fear, Perici Calascione attempted to reassure the petition’s signatories.

“It’s not like the number of illegal hunting offences has been steadily rising every year since 2013,” he said.

Meanwhile, the weather forecast for Sunday is cloudy with a chance of eggs.