Home News

7 Reasons Why The Miżieb/Aħrax Deal Isn’t So Bad

Just to be clear, this isn’t our headline. We have no idea what the seven reasons are, and aren’t planning on writing them.

Ever since we made our glorious return at the start of 2019, other news websites have been stealing our headlines and passing them off as their own. So you can imagine how galling it is whenever we see someone commenting: “For a moment I thought this was a Bis-Serjetà article!” on another site.

After tolerating this state of affairs for months, we finally decided that enough was enough, and retaliated.

Late last night, we broke into Lovin Malta offices, tiptoed past the sleeping baby journalists, and stole a headline from the special enclosure where all news organisations keep their pre-written article titles. While we were there, we also stole a few emojis.

Lovin, we know this headline means a lot to you, seeing as it will probably be generously sponsored by Infrastructure Malta and written by Tim Diacono. If you would like it to be returned to you unharmed, Chris Peregin must join our €20-a-month tier on Patreon. If he doesn’t, we will delete the headline.

You have 24 hours.