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Nation disappointed by reshuffle as Abela fails to make Chris Fearne Prime Minister

Karl Stennienibarra

People in Malta have expressed their disappointment at Robert Abela’s cabinet reshuffle, as he failed to promote Chris Fearne to Prime Minister.

While Abela made a raft of changes to the cabinet he formed only 10 months ago – as well as adding several new ministries – he opted against replacing himself with Health Minister Fearne, a decision that has left many baffled.

“Isn’t the whole point of a reshuffle to have a better cabinet than the previous one? So why has Robert Abela kept himself as Prime Minister instead of appointing Chris Fearne? That was the most obvious change to make.” – David Mangion, 42, Birkirkara.

“Don’t get me wrong, it’s good that Julia Farrugia Portelli and Silvio Parnis have been booted out, but Robert Abela has been lenient on himself if you ask me. It’s a clear case of favouritism.” – Rachel Portelli, 30, St Paul’s Bay

“That’s not to say Abela should have been expelled himself from the cabinet completely. I’m sure that Prime Minister Fearne would’ve found a use for him as minister of yachting, or parliamentary secretary for bodybuilding, or at the very least, commissioner for being kburi.” – Claire Buhagiar, 56, Attard.