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‘Ah shit, I forgot to reshuffle Edward Zammit Lewis’, says Robert Abela

Karl Stennienibarra

Robert Abela intended to replace Edward Zammit Lewis in last week’s cabinet reshuffle but forgot to do so, he has admitted.

An article on Lovin Malta published today claims that Justice Minister Zammit Lewis, together with former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, stayed at a hotel in France owned by Yorgen Fenech. Zammit Lewis also reportedly exchanged several hundred as-yet-unrevealed WhatsApp messages with the suspected mastermind of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination.

“You know when you go to the supermarket because you’re out of milk, and then end up buying a ton of stuff, but forget the milk? Edward Zammit Lewis is my milk, and now the media is going to yell at me like Lydia does,” said Abela, who made several notable changes to his cabinet in last week’s reshuffle.

“And just like how you can’t go back to the supermarket because you’ll look stupid, now I’m stuck with him until my cabinet reshuffle in six months’ time,” he added, while committing to making a list on Apple Notes next time, rather than relying on his memory.

“I just hope no one else in my cabinet is revealed to have used Yorgen Fenech’s hotels. It would be a pain in the ass to replace another tourism minister, as a totally random example.”

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