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Live blog: Daphne inquiry turns into roast of ‘rubber-faced’ Konrad Mizzi

Karl Stennienibarra

The public inquiry into the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia turned into a roast of Konrad Mizzi today, as the disgraced former minister refused to answer questions.

Seemingly fed up with Mizzi persistent replies of ‘I will not answer’ to their questions about his dealings while in government, the panel of judges, as well as the Caruana Galizia family’s lawyers, instead began throwing insulting questions at Mizzi.


“What was your involvement in Vitals Global Healthcare?” asks Therese Comodini Cachia.

“I will not answer,” replies Mizzi for the umpteenth time.

Comodini Cachia sighs heavily. “Fuck this – is it true your face is made of rubber?” she asks.

“Or are you actually made of ham?” suggests Judge Abigail Lofaro

“I…I will not answer,” replies a confused Konrad Mizzi.


“At what time of year do you usually shed your skin?”

“I won’t answer.”


Why do you constantly switch back and forth between Maltese and English? Is there a problem with your operating system?

“I will not inwieġeb,” Mizzi replies.


“Where is your favourite drainpipe?” Just to be clear I am implying that you are both a rat and a shit. Or a maybe a shit-eating Konrat.”

“Ooh that’s a good one,” says Chief Justice Emeritus Joseph Said Pullicino

Mizzi remains silent, but is clearly getting flustered by the brutal line of questioning.


Will you continue to reply with the words, “I will not answer”?


“Haha you just answered. Loser.”


Why didn’t Muscat, Schembri and Fenech include you in their WhatsApp chat? Did they think you’re too weird?

“Leave me alone,” mumbles Mizzi.


“How does it feel knowing you’ll never get re-elected to parliament because your only remaining supporters are a handful of sycophants who, if you hit them hard on the head with a shovel, wouldn’t register a decline in cognitive function?


“Why does your wife live so far away from you? Is it because even she can’t stand to be around you? I looked up what ‘spineless weasel’ is in Mandarin: Wu ji chui you shu. Does that ring any bells?”

Mizzi bursts into tears and runs out of the courtroom, signalling the end of today’s sitting.

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