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Anti-vaxxer hoping for monkeypox to arrive in Malta so he can stay relevant

Karl Stenneinibarra

A Maltese anti-vaxxer is eagerly waiting for the health authorities to declare that a case of monkeypox has been discovered in Malta so he can stay relevant.

With daily reported COVID-19 cases now a fraction of what they were a year ago, all restrictions removed and most of the population vaccinated, the anti-vaxxer community has struggled to retain the level of vociferousness it had at the height of the pandemic.

“These past few months have been hard. We were clearly a threat to the globalist elites – represented in Malta by Charmaine Gauci – so they decided to neutralise us by making COVID go away,” said prominent Maltese anti-vaxxer Andre Ellul.

“But now they seem to have started the next phase of the Great Reset – a scary new monkey disease’ with which to continue turning us into their slaves. My theory is that the COVID vaccine introduced nanobots to people’s bloodstreams. Every booster shot recharged the nanobots, but people are getting tired of boosters, so they’re introducing a new disease to scare people. It’s all very logical,” he added.

Ellul said he had tried to reach out to several monkeys to find out more about the globalist conspiracy.

“One of them flung its faeces at me. He’s clearly been bought by Big Monkey Pharma,” he said.