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Singing thing happened last night – reports

One of the signs of the Apocalypse

By Karl Stennienibarra

A singing thing happened last night, it has been reported.

According to eye witnesseses, the singing thing has been happening every Sunday for the past few weeks. People who follow this sort of thing say it will likely happen again.

Precise details remain unknown, but it is believed that during the singing thing, some people sang, other people judged them for their singing, and yet more people applauded.

On a few occasions, the people who were applauding are said to have booed instead.

It is believed the wider public then had the chance to choose their favourite singing, in a process resembling a general election, but even more pointless.

Some experts spoken to by Bis-Serjetà suspect the singing thing is only a trial for a bigger, gayer singing thing.

However, all were united in the belief that this is all “pretty fucking stupid”.

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