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Maltese woman never sure what time it is anymore

Karl Stennieniġewwa

A Maltese woman is never sure what time it is anymore.

Samantha Caruana, 27, spoke to Bis-Serjetà this allegedly-afternoon from her home in Birkirkara, from where she is working due to the Covid-19 measures.

“It was bad enough when it was just the coronavirus that was disrupting my daily routine. But now the public holiday, the clocks going forward and the overcast weather have well and truly bamboozled me,” she said, adding that she now divided time into ‘dark’, ‘not dark’, and ‘sort of dark’.

“I just don’t believe my phone anymore. I’ll glance at it and it’ll say the time is something ludicrous like 6:30pm. How can it be 6:30pm? I just got up.”

“The same goes for the day of the week. Today definitely isn’t Friday. It can’t be. It was Monday yesterday. And last week it didn’t even feel like there was a weekend.”

Caruana concluded that time no longer exists and we are all living out the final phase of a computer simulation.

“Which I’m fine with if it means I don’t have to get up early anymore,” she said.