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Single brain cell fails to disrupt hundreds-strong Black Lives Matter protest

A single brain cell failed to disrupt a Black Lives Matter protest in Valletta earlier this evening.

The brain cell, pictured above being shared between a handful of mostly angry, bald, short, obese, badly dressed middle-aged men wearing sunglasses, was unsuccessful in its attempt to drown out the speeches made by NGO activists and members of the black community with loud yet barely intelligible noises. These included booing and jeering during a minute’s silence for the slain Lassana Cissé.

“Urrrr ddduuuuurrrrr guhhhhhhhhhhh nuh nuh nuh,” the brain cell yelled, before falling silent as hundreds of anti-racism protestors – Maltese and foreigners of all colours – turned their backs to it, depriving it of the attention it clearly craved, and instead cheered for the speakers.

At one point, the brain cell could be heard chanting “Malta! Malta!”, despite its signs and placards appearing to be written in a language only slightly resembling Maltese, looking more like the scribbles of a drunk toddler.

At the time of writing, the brain cell had left Valletta and returned to its basement, where it is reportedly making gurgling noises and occasionally working up enough brainpower to leave an angry react on Facebook.

Meanwhile, the Black Lives Matter protestors lingered for a while, mingling peacefully and chatting happily with each other.

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