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Konrad Mizzi’s blood cleaned from bus in preparation for next victim

Karl Stennienibarra

Malta Public Transport employees have been busy cleaning the blood of Konrad Mizzi from one of its buses, as the government decides who will be the next person to be thrown under it.

Late last night, the Labour party’s parliamentary group and executive committee voted 71 to 1 to throw the former energy and tourism minister under the bus.

Following the vote, Mizzi was carried out of his home by several party members – having missed the vote itself – and thrown into the road just as the bus was passing by, where he was promptly crushed beneath its wheels.

“It’s an ugly job, but someone’s got to do it, said MPT employee Tamim Iqbal, as he scrubbed dark red splatters off the front and sides of the bus.

“At least today wasn’t as bad as Monday, when Keith Schembri threw Yorgen Fenech, Melvin Theuma, Adrian Vella, Ivan Camilleri, and a bunch of other people under the bus. He threw so many that it clogged up the engine, and I had to go underneath the bus to scrape out all the guts and gristle. And last week there was obviously Chris Cardona. I had to get tested after wiping away his blood.

“They should have thrown Konrad into an Air Malta plane engine. I feel like that would have been more fitting. In fact, in Bangladesh we have the expression ‘to throw someone into a plane engine’, meaning to betray someone for selfish reasons,” Iqbal said.

The government is currently deliberating who to throw under next, with sources telling Bis-Serjetà the likeliest victim is former police commissioner Lawrence Cutajar.

Meanwhile, Joseph Muscat has reportedly been busy polishing his bus-proof suit of armour.