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7 New Shows Coming to TVM This Autumn

Karl Stennienibarra


A reality TV show in which a gang of vigilantes led by Professor Charmaine Gauci goes around beating up people who are wearing their face masks below their noses.

Mhux Xarabank

A discussion show in which members of the government tell each other how amazing they are.

Sagħtejn Ma’ Robert

A show in which Prime Minister Robert Abela repeats the phrase ‘Kemm jien kburi’ for two hours straight while squinting and flexing his jawline.

Under The Bus

A whacky new game show hosted by Angie Laus, in which the suspects in the Daphne Caruana Galizia murder case all try to pin the blame on each other.

The Adventures of Jason and Mario

A hilarious sitcom in which Jason Micallef and Mario Philip Azzopardi go around verbally abusing everyone who dares to criticise the government.

Iljuni Tal-Bidla

A makeover show in which interior designers redecorate politicians’ homes. The first episode will tackle Adrian Delia’s bedroom/office at Dar Ċentrali.

Affarijiet Li Jiġru

A new soap opera in which, due to social distancing, the characters are forced to behave in a wooden, artificial way, making it no different to any other Maltese soap opera.