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Adrian Delia creates WhatsApp group only for himself

Karl Stennienibarra

Adrian Delia has created a WhatsApp group with only himself as a member, after embarrassing leaks continue to come out of other groups he is in.

“I’m sick of my private conversations being plastered all over social media, so I’ve created my own exclusive WhatsApp group and won’t be adding anyone else aside from my personal and work numbers,” the embattled PN leader told Bis-Serjetà.

Delia added that, just to be on the safe side, he would not be discussing anything political with himself.

Instead, he said he will mainly be sending himself “dank memes”, photos of kittens and pictures of Minions captioned with motivational quotes.

Meanwhile, Delia is preparing to face down his opponents within the PN in a make-or-break parliamentary group meeting at Dar Ċentrali this evening.

“I don’t expect Jason and la bella compania to hit me with anything worse than yet more subtle digs about a need for change, fucking pussies that they are, but I’m wearing my knife-proof vest just in case,” he said.

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