‘Ask the King of Comino’, says Clayton Bartolo when quizzed about deckchairs

    Karl Stennienibarra

    Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo has asked journalists to forward their questions about deckchairs to the King of Comino.

    The issue of deckchairs being placed on every inch of Comino’s Blue Lagoon every summer by private operators came to a head last weekend, after Moviment Graffitti went to the island and cleared the shoreline of deckchairs and umbrellas.

    As Minister for Tourism, Bartolo is partly responsible for what happens on Comino, but the minister denied he or the government had any jurisdiction on the island.

    You need to ask these questions to the King of Comino,” Bartolo told journalists. “Only he has the power to change the laws there.”

    Asked if he was referring to Salvu, one of the island’s few remaining residents,” Bartolo shook his head and said:

    “No no, the King of Comino. He lives in Santa Marija Tower and rides a barnacle-encrusted chariot pulled by jellyfish through the sea. Some say he’s half man, half dolphin but I don’t believe such children’s stories.”

    Other ministers nominally responsible for Comino, such as Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri, gave similar replies.

    “I don’t know why people keep asking me about Comino. I am the King of Gozo. Comino has its own king, so take it up with him. Good luck though, because he will only grant you an audience if you present him with a golden sea shell,” Camilleri said.

    Silvio Schembri, responsible for the Lands Department, said:

    “If the deckchair vendors are still operating, that’s a sign that the King of Comino approves of what they’re doing, and who are we to challenge that decision? Do you think we should go to war with the King of Comino? This is highly irresponsible and another example of Graffitti’s extremism.”

    Meanwhile, Prime Minister Robert Abela appeared to wash his hands of the issue entirely.

    “I don’t have time for this deckchair nonsense. I’m busy trying to remember which other criminal enterprises I’ve given legal representation to,” he said.