We’ve never mentioned this before, but here at Bis-Serjetà, Clinton Paul is revered like a god. We even have a massive poster of him in the newsroom. So when we heard he’d released a new single called ‘IDWK’, we couldn’t wait to review it.
First things first: what does ‘IDWK’ stand for? Here are a few calculated guesses:
- Isreali Dentist Wants Ketchup
- Igloo Decorated With Kale
- Ignorant Dolphin Wrecks Kayak
- Intolerance Defeated With Kindness
- I Desire White Kittens
That last one definitely sounds like something Clinton would say. Let’s find out…

Here we see the very first shot of the video, and WOW! Clinton Paul has really changed his look since his last single came out a few months ago. The man really is Malta’s answer to Lady Gaga.

The next scene shows Clinton Paul and a blonde woman sinking to the bottom of the sea in a warm embrace. Kick guys, kick!

Damn, this video is intense. And we’re only 10 seconds in.

It looks like Clinton Paul and the woman – let’s assume she’s his girlfriend and she’s called Gertrude, for convenience – are living on the streets. At least they have some furniture, although I’m pretty sure putting a dividing wall in the middle of a road is illegal. Could this scene be a commentary on the PA’s lax enforcement of planning laws?

Ooh, this video has chapters, and we’ve switched to black and white. Very arty. Gertrude looks a bit like Daenerys Targaryen.
It has to be said that, even though the song hasn’t actually started yet, the production values of this video are considerably better than those of ‘Sweet Chili’ by Kurt Calleja, which we reviewed last week. Kurt could learn a thing or two for his next video.

It seems Gertrude is Clinton Paul’s answer to Kurt Calleja’s Chilli Sniffer, but with arrows. We can call her Arrow Fondler from now on.

Clinton Paul throws a house party. Well, a houseless party to be precise. Arrow Fondler clearly didn’t approve, because we’ve already seen what happens.

“Baby, those girls mean nothing to me, I promise. You’re the only moon of my life, Khaleesi.”

“Not good enough.”

Poor Clinton Paul.

Poor Boromir.

Unlike Boromir, Clinton Paul survives becoming a human pin cushion, and earns Arrow Fondler’s forgiveness.

Sadly, their reconciliation is short lived. The reunited couple go for a midnight swim, but get into difficulty while trying to have underwater make-up sex. Probably should have taken their clothes off first.
Anyway, Clinton Paul manages to float back up to the surface, but Arrow Fondler sinks to the depths and drowns. This is some real Greek tragedy shit right here, much more complex than Kurt Calleja’s video for Sweet Chili’.

On the plus side, Clinton Paul can now throw as many house(less) parties as he likes.
A few words on the song itself. This is a dramatic departure from Clinton Paul’s usual style, as characterised by older hits like ‘Rebellion’ as well as more recent singles like ‘Diamond’. The Euro-dance influences have been replaced by darker, more modern pop vibes.
All in all, I loved both the song and the video. It’s just a pity Kurt Calleja could never come up with anything as good as this.
So I just passed this article on to our sub-editor, Eva Green, who informed me I’d misread the singer’s name. It isn’t Clinton Paul, but Kevin Paul. Specifically, Kevin Paul Calleja, younger brother of Kurt Calleja.
Well, this is awkward…