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Confused Johann Buttigieg puts crowd of tourists in ODZ field

Karl Stennienibarra

Johann Buttigieg, the former Planning Authority chairman and new Malta Tourism Authority CEO, mixed up his old job with his new one this morning, when he ordered a crowd of some 100 baffled tourists to stand in an ODZ field in Siggiewi.

Within minutes of starting his new job, Buttigieg reportedly told MTA staff to go out into the streets of Valletta and round up any tourists they could find.

The tourists, who numbered around 100, were then put onto three coaches and driven to a large field on picturesque ODZ land in Siggiewi.

Once there, they were told to trample crops and dismantle rubble walls, before finally standing still and doing nothing.

Buttigieg only realised his error several hours after the incident took place.

“I guess old habits die hard,” he said.

“I’m so used to putting things in ODZ land that I forgot I’m not meant to do that in my new job too.

“Still, at least the tourists got to experience a defining aspect of contemporary Maltese culture that you don’t normally find in guide books.”

At the time of writing, Buttigieg had just stopped himself from turning Fort Saint Elmo into a petrol station.

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