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Dar Ċentrali receptionist loving the drama

Karl Stennienibarra

The receptionist at Dar Ċentrali has admitted to absolutely loving the drama that has been unfolding in the Nationalist Party over the past few months.

The ongoing feud between opposition leader Adrian Delia and his opponents within the party has led to both factions holding press conderences on the doorstep of the PN headquarters in recent weeks, and receptionist Mario Briffa has a front row seat.

“I get so excited when all the journalists and cameramen turn up. It feels like I’ve been invited onto the set of my favourite soap opera,” Briffa told Bis-Serjetà, adding that his job hadn’t been this interesting since the Franco Debono debacle during the Gonzi administration.

“I mean, as a receptionist for the party very much in opposition, I usually spend most of my day hunting for bargains on Maltapark. But now I’m working extra shifts to make sure I don’t miss any of the drama outside.

Asked which faction he was supporting, Briffa replied that he preferred not to take sides.

“To be honest, I’m not particularly fond of either side. Adrian’s a bit of a wanker, and when Simon was leader he never said a word to me, and instead would walks straight past me while staring at the floor.”

However, Briffa did say he believed the feud in the party was reaching a conclusion.

“I wish it would go on forever. Five season and a movie please.”

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