God does not work as a doctor at Mater Dei Hospital, an investigation by Bis-Serjetà has revealed.
The investigation was carried out after several people on social media thanked God for curing 11 more people of Covid-19 earlier this week, bringing the total number of recovered patients up to 16.
After speaking to a number of doctors who currently work at Mater Dei, as well as checking its employment records, we can confirm that God has never held any position whatsoever at the hospital.
“I am not sure how this rumour came about. We do currently employ a nurse called Goda, but she’s from Lithuania, not from Heaven,” said Mater Dei CEO Celia Falzon.
As for who did in fact cure the hospital’s patients, Falzon said:
“That would be our team of doctors, nurses, and supporting staff. They’ve been working around the clock to make sure patients suffering from Covid-19, as well as all other patients, get the best care possible. They are able to do this after years of study and hard work.

Falzon added that if God wanted to volunteer at the hospital, doing tasks like emptying bed pans, He was more than welcome to.
“However, He won’t be given any preferential treatment just because he’s the creator of the universe. After all, He’s the one who allowed this to happen. You don’t see a lot of people on Facebook acknowledging that fact,” she said.