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Graffitti songs actually quite catchy, admit Castille workers

Civil servants working at Castille during this morning’s sit-in by Moviment Graffitti have admitted that they actually quite enjoyed the group’s repertoire of songs.

The early morning quiet in the capital was shattered early this morning when 30 members of the group stormed the building housing the Prime Minister’s office, where they spent around four hours chanting and drumming.

“At first I found the thunder of drums reverberating through the stone really annoying, but after a while I started tapping my foot and humming along,” said one worker who wished to remain anonymous.

“I liked ‘Ħmieġ u imbruljuni’ and ‘Tiżfnu mad-daqqa ta’ qatta kriminali’. Are Graffitti on Spotify?” said another, whose office is directly above the entrance where the sit-in was taking place.

“I really wanted to go down and give the guy with the megaphone a lozenge or two, miskin. He’s going to have no voice for the rest of the week,” commented her colleague.

Meanwhile, a petition is reportedly circulating around Castille asking for Graffitti to be let back in tomorrow and be given access to a full orchestra.

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