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Hire Karl Stennienibarra

Bis-Serjetà managing editor Karl Stennienibarra is a man of many talents. Not only is he Malta’s most serious journalist, but he’s also a virtuoso on the balalaika, a black belt in Peruvian jujitsu (similar to Brazilian jujitsu but with more nipple twisting), and a Jenga grandmaster.

In an attempt to generate more income for our newsroom, we’re also pimping him out to perform the following:


Any form of written content your business needs – articles, emails, Facebook posts, a snappy tag-line, a script for your ad, a threat you want to send to a competitor who’s muscling in on your turf…

Obviously, humorous content is out, since Karl’s writing is 100% serious.

Editing and proofreading

Got a piece of writing that’s in need of some love? It’s OK – writing is hard, and Karl can spruce it up for you.

Social media

With almost 30,000 followers and an average reach of about 13,000 users per post, the Bis-Serjetà Facebook page has one of the best engagement rates in Malta. Karl can work his magic on your page too.


Need someone to voice your ad? Karl’s dulcet tones can be heard in this video.

He’s also a dab hand at accents (just not Australian).


Nothing too advanced here, but if you need some basic photo editing or fixing (like an old photo that needs restoring), or stuff like combining different photos into one, Karl can do that.

Don’t be a stranger

So if you need any of this and want to engage Karl’s services, send us an email at bisserjeta@gmail.com or message the Bis-Serjetà page.