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How to make sure Bis-Serjetà stays around forever

Greetings, Bis-Serjetà fan

Karl Stennienibarra here. I’d like to take a brief break from giving you your daily helping of serious news to tell you something important.

As you may have heard, BS’s financial backer, the billionaire investor George Soros, has withdrawn his funding (5 euro a month – you’d think he could’ve spared a bit more, right?!). 

He is now ploughing all his money into the yoyo market, as he’s 100% sure they’ll make another comeback soon (he is 88, to be fair).

Without this funding, it is highly likely I’ll have to cut back on Bis-Serjetà, and possibly stop altogether. Sadly, not many employers allow their staff to go and take photos of Edwin Vassallo setting fire to bananas during office hours…

So, I need your help.

If you sponsor me for a small amount per month – say, the price of a beer – I will:

  • Continue to write articles regularly
  • Subscribe to stock image websites so my Photosho…I mean totally real photography, can be even better.
  • Hire super talented people to help me make Bis-Serjetà videos
  • Write a Bis-Serjetà book
  • Create a legal aid fund because someone is definitely going to sue me at some point
  • Afford food and rent.

But most importantly, I’ll be able to carry on providing you with something that’s unique in Malta, and that makes your day that little bit better (or so I’m told).

So, I’ve created a Patreon page.

Patreon is a membership platform that allows artists, creators and serious journalists to be paid for their work. Sort of like crowdfunding, but with a monthly subscription instead of a one-off payment.

It’s pretty widely used – your favourite Youtube channel or Instagram person probably has a page.

It’s completely up to you how much you’d like to give. Whether that aforementioned beer is Lidl’s cheapest brew, a pint of Cisk, or a craft beer, it doesn’t matter. Every little helps.

At the moment, there’s not much I can offer you in terms of rewards. But if this turns out to be a viable venture, you’ll get early access to any future videos, and I’ll thrown in some free merchandise as well.

So how about it? I’d love to keep Bis-Serjetà going, without having to bombard you with ads.

It only takes two minutes to become a sponsor. Oh, and payment on Patreon is in dollars (not my choice), so here are the conversion rates as of writing:

2 dollars = 1.77 euros
4 dollars = 3.54 euros
5 dollars = 4.42 euros
10 dollars = 8.85 euros

Here’s a link to the BS Patreon page.

I look forward to buying a beer sponsored by you.

Serious regards,

Karl Stennienibarra