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Hundreds of Maltese people make unique ‘We’re stuck inside on Freedom Day’ observation

Karl Stennieniġewwa

Hundreds of Maltese people have made the same unique and original observation that they are stuck indoors during Freedom Day.

While much of the public would normally be enjoying the public holiday by going on hikes, picnics, and other outdoors activities, they are unable to do so this year due to the measures introduced to stop the spread of Covid-19.

“It’s Freedom Day but we’re stuck inside,” noted one Maltese person on Facebook.

“Isn’t it ironic that we’re forced to stay inside on Freedom Day?” said another.

“It’s funny, isn’t it? How this is March 31, Freedom Day, a public holiday, and yet here we are, stuck inside, indoors, incarcerated. Because that’s the opposite of freedom, get it?’ observed yet another.

Picnickers trampled

Meanwhile, a group of five people who were having a picnic at Kennedy Grove in St Paul’s Bay this afternoon were trampled to death by the Malta Police’s Force’s mounted section. The police, armed with lances and sabres, were enforcing the health authorities’ directive that bans the gathering of three or more people.

A statement from the Health Ministry simply read, “Good.”

Nationalists declare victory

The Nationalist Party has declared victory in the ‘Should Freedom Day be a national celebration?’ war, since the date will not be celebrated with public events this year due to Covid-19.

While many Labour supporters believe the public holiday is justified because it was the day when the British truly left the island for good, those of a Nationalist persuasion believe it should not be given the same importance as Independence Day and Republic Day.

Yet more people think they should all just shut the fuck up and enjoy another state-mandated day off.