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Ian Borg beheads man while visiting Saudi Arabia

Foreign Affairs Minister Ian Borg has decapitated a man while on an official visit to Saudi Arabia.

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The visit was part of Borg’s tour around the Middle East.

According to ministry sources, Borg’s Saudi counterpart, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, invited him to attend a public execution of 24 people in the capital Riyadh, which Borg eagerly accepted.

“We told him it might not look good for him to go, but he said this sort of thing had been on his bucket list for a while,” the source said.

Borg and the rest of the Maltese delegation were given front row seats to the execution in Deera Square. As the 24 men, who had been found guilty for crimes ranging from murder to holding ‘deviant’ beliefs, were marched into the square, Borg is said to have yelled ‘Tuhom!’

Noticing the minister’s enthusiasm, the Saudi executioner, Muhammad Saad al-Beshi, reportedly asked Borg if he would like to behead the first condemned man.

Barely able to contain his excitement, the minister took the sword handed to him by the executioner and, after prayers were read out, proceeded to remove the head of the man, a political dissident, with one clean cut.

“When the executioner expressed his surprise at the minister’s skill with the blade, he said he’d had plenty of practice cutting down trees and that this was easy by comparison,” the source said.

Borg reportedly lamented that he was not allowed to do the same thing to Moviment Graffitti and Arnold Cassola.

However, the minister’s request to take the head back to Malta as a souvenir for his wife was turned down.




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