A Maltese man has attended a gig to chat with his friends while the band plays.
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Michael Borg, 29, went to the EP launch of local indie band Minestra at Storeroom in Ta’ Xbiex.
However, rather than listen to the band’s brand-new songs, Borg spent the entire concert outside chatting with friends.
“It was a great night. I spoke with my friend Chris about his new job in crypto, with Sarah about her holiday to Jordan, and I told people about the house I just bought. And of course we all discussed the war in Ukraine and how we think it’ll pan out,” Borg said.
“How was the band? Oh, I have no idea. I don’t even know who they are. To be honest I wish they played quieter because it would have been easier to hear people talking. It was pretty inconsiderate of them to have the volume so loud, actually.”
Borg said he was planning to go to more events with the aim of catching up with friends.
“I think my favourite event is the Kinemastik film festival. Couldn’t give a toss about the films but the afterparties are always great,” he said.
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