Have you ever found yourself sobbing uncontrollably because you thought we hadn’t published any articles on a given day, leaving you with a serious serious-news deficiency, only to realise that we had in fact published an article, but the Facebook algorithm (Praise Be Unto It) decided in its infinite wisdom not to show it to you?
Well, this problem is a thing of the past, thanks to our brand new Whatsapp broadcast channel. When you join the channel, you’ll get our articles and images delivered straight to Whatsapp. This also makes it easier to forward our groundbreaking journalism to your friend, work, and espionage groups.
To join, simply click this link or add +356 79213658 to your Whatsapp contact list, name it Karl Stennienibarra, and send a message saying ‘Subscribe’. Honestly though, clicking the link is much easier.
Your number, or any other personal details, won’t be visible to anyone else in the channel. Even we only see a phone number with no name attached. In our contact list, you are Subscriber, an anonymous lover of serious news and BDSM, and the only messages you will receive will be BS links. You can unsubscribe at any time. But honestly, why would you? It’s not like we’re going to ask you for €5 in exchange for the latest super-exclusive Covid-19 updates you can get for free.