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PN to be cremated

Karl Stennienibarra

The Nationalist Party has chosen to be cremated, the party announced this afternoon.

Following the catastrophic defeat to Labour in the European Parliament election, and a likely drubbing in the local council elections as well, many PN supporters have been calling for leader Adrian Delia to resign, in the hope that a new leader might breathe new life into the terminally ill party.

However, since Delia has repeatedly refused to step down, a majority of PN members has now voted to pull the plug and let the party die and be turned to a heap of ashes in a soon-to-be-operational crematorium.

“Why go through the prolonged pain of analysis, soul searching and reform when, thanks to Rosianne Cutajar, we can incinerate the entire party – history, principles, emblem, the lot – in a matter of minutes?” PN deputy leader Robert Arrigo told Bis-Serjetà.

“Not that there’s much left anyway,” he added.

As for what will be done with the party’s ashes, Arrigo said that portions would be given to the Fenech Adami and De Marco families in an urn, while the rest would be scattered during a remembrance ceremony on the cliffs outside Għarb in Gozo, the country’s most westerly point.

“It’s the only place where people might be able to notice the presence of extra dust in the air, Arrigo said.