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PN to rebrand as tombla club

Karl Stennienibarra

The Nationalist Party is to disband its political wing and rebrand as a tombola club.

PN officials say the move is intended to transform the party into an organisation that better reflects its core demographic of MPs and supporters.

“While Labour has just rolled out its latest product line of shiny young ministers, the best our youth wing can do is post pictures on Facebook of Owen Bonnici eating KFC,” a PN source told Bis-Serjetà.

Even if someone like Mark Anthony Sammut becomes leader tomorrow, most of the rest of us are middle-aged conservatives and out-of-touch dinosaurs on the verge of extinction. There really isn’t much point in carrying on pretending we have any future as a political force.”

The source said the last straw came after the announcement that Simon Busuttil would be resigning from parliament to take a job in Brussels.

“You’d think this would be a good time for us to bring in a fresh young face but nope, it’ll probably be David Fucking Thake. So yes, no more politics for us – only soft gambling from now on.”

The Klabb Tombla Nazzjonalista will meet every Wednesday at 7pm at the former political party’s Dar Ċentrali headqyarters in Pietà. The tombola will be followed by an evening prayer session.

The KTN is still searching for a treasurer.

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