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Shut-down not an excuse to stop reading Bis-Serjetà – report

Karl Stennienibarra

The Santa Marija shut-down (xaddawn) is not an excuse for people to stop visiting Bis-Serjeta.com, a report has found.

The report, compiled by Bis-Serjetà, states that Bis-Serjetà readers should carry on accessing the site regularly even if they’re away from their desks over the next few days.

“Whether you’re holidaying in Gozo, Sicily or San Francisco, reading our articles should still be your number one priority,” BS managing editor Karl Stennienibarra said.

“If Bis-Serjetà is to stand any chance of achieving our ultimate goal of being more popular than Pornhub.com, then we need you to stop taking photos of beautiful sunsets or mountains or dolphins or whatever, and type ‘bis-serjeta.com’ into Chrome, or Safari if you’re a loser.”

The report concluded that anyone who chose to use their vacation time to relax and unplug themselves from the lunatic asylum that is Malta instead of staying up-to-date with serious news was not Karl Stennienibarra’s friend anymore.

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