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Vox plop: Should PN rebels reform the alliance with PD?

This morning, The Times reported that Nationalist MPs opposed to leader Adrian Delia had approached Partit Demokratiku to rekindle their Forza Nazzjonali alliance. We took to the streets to see if the Maltese public think this would be a good idea.

“Why not? It worked out so well last time.” – Claire Deguara, 28, Sliema

“As a Labourite, yes, most definitely yes.” – Ryan Gauci, 35, Fgura

“Sorry, I’m not a fan of Star Wars.” – Theresa Zammit, 42, Qawra

“Yes, but only if it’s a for a musical project and not politics. They could call themselves Marooned 5.” – Kurt Schembri, 32, Mgarr

“At least this time they’d have three years to come up with an election strategy. Maybe by then they’ll decide what they stand for.” – Sarah Ellul, 48, Qrendi

“I can’t wait to find out what they’re for and/or against this time.” Robert Chetcuti, 25, Msida

“I think PD should welcome Simon Busuttil with open arms, even if they only pretend that he’s still relevant, miskin.” – Maria Grech, 64, Naxxar

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