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Yorkie defends new school uniforms with fire ants stitched into them

Karl Stennienibarra

Yorkie has defended its latest line of school uniforms that have fire ants stitched into the fabric.

Last week, several parents complained to the uniform supplier that their children’s tracksuits, shirts and other apparel had not yet arrived, despite the fact that the scholastic year had already started.

Once the uniforms did arrive from China, however, they were found to contain several Solenopsis invicta – or red imported fire ants – stitched into the seams. The ants, which are known for their aggressive and tenacious behaviour, deliver a painful sting that causes the victim’s skin to break out in hives and bumps.

“The fire ants are completely intentional. It’s state-of-the-art ItchiStich technology. We requested the factory to put them in there to make sure the children move about more. Parents should grateful that we’re keeping their kids active in these difficult times,” a spokesman for Yorkie said.

“Another advantage is that, over a period of time, the children become immune to the venom, hopefully. So if they eventually end up working on a farm in the US, China or South America, they’ll have an easier time if they’re stung.”

The spokesman added that the company was looking at stitching other dangerous animals into its uniforms.

“In business, you can never rest on your laurels. Today fire ants, tomorrow poison dart frogs.”