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L-Istrina: Local racist hoping his donation doesn’t help any black children

Karl Stennienibarra

A local racist who donated to L-Istrina yesterday is hoping his contribution will not go towards helping any black children.

Local racist Clint Zahra was among the first to phone in and donate €25 when the annual charity fundraiser’s lines opened yesterday afternoon.

“Just like all other Maltese people, I am very generous and have a big heart. I didn’t even need to watch all the video testimonials of sick and dying children or listen to Peppi saying ‘Kif tista ma ccempilx?’ to do my duty as a Christian,” Zahra said.

“But then after I donated I was watching the live show, and saw this black kid answering the phone. It turned out he had benefited from money raised by previous editions of L-Istrina. As you can imagine, I was livid.”

Zahra said he then phoned back to demand an explanation.

“It was the President who picked up this time. I told him that I was more than happy to help sickly, white, Maltese people. After all, you can’t re-establish the dominance of the white race if everyone’s dying of cancer and stuff. He said he couldn’t argue with that from a medical point of view.

“But if these immigrants think they can come here and benefit from our Maltese Catholic generosity, then I want nothing to do with it. So when his Excellency said he couldn’t guarantee that my donation would not help any black children, I asked for my money back. He said I’d phoned on the €100 line, thanked me for my generous contribution and hung up.”

Zahra said that he was considering setting up his own L-Istrina Bajda next year.

“I’ll get Norman Lowell instead of Peppi and the slogan will be ‘Kif tistgħu you don’t ring, qed tifhem?'”