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Online commentator throwing around proverbs like it’s 1959

Karl Stennienibarra

A pensioner who regularly posts comments on local news websites is using English proverbs despite the fact no one under 30 knows what the f*ck he’s on about.

“What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!” commented 65-year old Freddy Primavera on a Times of Malta article that was patently not about geese.

When another, seemingly younger commentator pointed out to Mr Primavera that no one uses proverbs anymore, the latter replied, “Tell it to the marines!”

It is not clear what this particular proverb means, nor has it ever been.

As other commentators joined in to tell Mr Primavera that maybe he should enter the 21st century, he replied with something nonsensical about birds and feathers.

Bis-Serjetà contacted Professor Kenneth Sammut, a history lecturer at the University of Malta, to find out more about Mr Primavera’s behavior.

“In the olden days, people used to use proverbs in a similar way to how they post gifs on Facebook now, and were considered equally as annoying,” Prof. Sammut said.

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