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Adventurous Maltese cook adds rice vinegar to cupboard

Karl Stennienibarra

An adventurous Maltese cook has added rice vinegar to his cupboard.

Martin Camenzuli, 32, from Balzan, bought the Asian staple on a whim while shopping at Smart Supermarket.

“My meals normally consist of pasta, grilled chicken and that kind of thing, so usually I don’t even walk through the aisle with all the exotic foods. But yesterday I felt the aisle calling to me like a siren, drawing me in with its promises of Oriental delights,” Camenzuli said.

“With each passing shelf, the feeling of wonderment grew inside me and I realised just how narrow my culinary gaze had been up to that point. I didn’t even know there was more than one type of noodle, or that soy sauce came in light and dark versions, like yin and yang.

“But the zenith of my epiphany occured when I saw a bottle of rice vinegar. Can you imagine? Vinegar, but made out of rice! Never mind gunpowder and the compass, this is surely the greatest invention to come out of the East!”

Camenzuli admitted that once he got home, he had no idea what to do with his newly purchased condiment.

“I felt overwhelmed by the new horizon dawning in front of me, and in my panic I ended up making spaghetti with sauce from a jar. But one day, I will conquer the rice vinegar.”