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An important change to Bis-Serjetà going forward

Hi readers.

As you may have realised, I’ve started 2024 with a bang. I’ve already written 40 articles, as well as several image posts and a few videos.

Unfortunately, Facebook has decided to take a massive shit on content creators and only shows their work to a fraction of their followers.

It’s incredibly disheartening to spend hours coming up with a funny article, then have the algorithm decide that no one is going to see it, especially when people ask you if you’re still posting (yes! more than ever!) because instead of funny, insightful, educational content by myself and others, Facebook is showing them ads and stupid AI-genereted images. When it went down the other day, I actually hoped it would stay down. That’s how much I hate it.

I’m also at a stage where I want to make Bis-Serjetà my main source of income. I’m not content to simply do it as a hobby or side gig (I have more enjoyable hobbies and I put too much into BS for it to be just a side gig).

For these two reasons, from now on I’ve decided to make all articles available only to people who support me with a paid membership (not a free membership) on Patreon.

When you become a patron, it’s a win-win for both of us. Instead of relying on the Facebook algorithm, you get an email telling you whenever I post something new. And with your financial support, I get to continue giving Bis-Serjetà my full attention, love, and energy. I’ll also never have to hold back for fear of being punished by the algorithm.

Having more money will also allow me to make more and better videos because I can hire people to help me instead of doing everything on my own (I currently write, film, edit and publish everything myself).

I’m hoping that you see the value in what I do. I’m not propped up by any political party, private company or wealthy backer, which makes me pretty unique in Malta. My only aim is to make you laugh with my writing and make this bonkers country a bit more bearable.

But the current status quo can’t go on, so please, if you want me to continue doing this, show your support for the price of a coffee and a couple of pastizzi per month, or more if you can afford it. You even get a 16% discount when you make a yearly subscription.

If you don’t support me, then Bis-Serjetà’s days are numbered. So, the choice is yours.

Note – you won’t get access to articles if you only sign up as a free member.