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Former PN candidate shocked that conservative party has conservative mindset

Karl Stennienibarra

A Nationalist Party member who withdrew her candidacy for the upcoming general election says she was shocked to discover that the conservative party had a conservative attitude.

Tiffany Abela-Wadge took to Facebook yesterday to announce that she would not be contesting the next election on PN’s ticket because she felt the party was too set in its ways, and refused to discuss issues such as women’s health.

Speaking to Bis-Serjetà today, Abela-Wadge said she was still coming to terms with her realisation that a party whose political ideology literally means ‘being averse to change’ was averse to change.

“You can imagine my shock when it became clear that PN, Malta’s foremost conservative party, a party that campaigned against divorce, a party that counts Edwin ‘Satanic Banana AIDS’ Vassallo among its members, a party with close historic ties to the Church, a party whose leadership is mostly made up of wealthy middle-aged male lawyers… did not take me seriously when I suggested we should adopt a progressive mindset when tackling with 21st-century issues that affect half the population. I just can’t get my head around it,” she said.

Asked if she would now be joining a party that more closely matched her values, such as ADPD or Volt, Abela-Wadge replied:

“God no. I’ll still be voting PN of course.”

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