A study has confirmed that millennials find it hard to concentr oh look a cat.
The study was carried out by researchers at the American University of Malta, who surveyed 5,000 people aged between LOOK HOW FLUFFY SHE IS.

Over 70 percent of respondents said they found it very difficult to focus on a single task for a prolonged period of seriously though, I want to cuddle the bejesus out of her.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the vast majority of respondents claimed that their phone was the main source of distract do you think the ginger side of its face is good, and the black side evil?
“What this study shows is that we really need to be concerned about the devastating effects that websites such as Facebook and Instagram have on young people’s attention spa” a morally ambiguous cat would make a great Netflix series, come to think of it…
Prof. Caruana advises millennials who want to start improving their concentration to set aside one hour per day during which they should leave their phones in another I wonder why cats wiggle their bums from side to side right before they pounce…
“If we don’t tackle this problem immediately then I can see a future where no one will create anything of value because they can’t set their minds to” I bet cats control the Universe. Cats are great. I love cats.
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