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YOU NO STOP MY HOBBY MADERFAKER! – By an illegal trapper

An Illegal Trapper

Why you in my field you? You are with the Bird Life?

Go away! This my country. The birds they are ours.

You are foreigner? Why you come here. Go back in your kantri. Arrange problems of there. Many big problems you have.

You still here? Fuck off, għax issa qabżitli l-ostja. You no stop my hobby, bastard bitch maderfaker. I do this since I was child with my father. If I stop, I die. Now you tell me I can’t? Go fuck yourself.

You hear me? MaderFAKER you are. Why you filmink me? Stop filmink bitch bastard għax I take your phone and sabbatate it on the floor.

I nice man. But if you continue filmink I become not nice man. Why you tell me stop shouting. I not shouting.

You called police to come here? Shame on you! SHAME ON YOU! I just try to break the law in peace in MY country. I don’t come in your kantri and say you what to do.

I go now, għax police come because of you bastard, and speak in English make me tired. But you no come back to my field ja qaħba u liba ta’ kelb għax I kill you. And if you tell police I threaten you, I kill you more.


Before I go sleep, this website ask for money. Mhux ħafna ta. You want give money, go to the page of the Patreon and give money. If you don’t I kill you.