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Anti-abortionist beetles dismayed by Cassola resignation

A group of anti-abortion, AD-supporting Maltese beetles have expressed their dismay at the resignation of party stalwart Arnold Cassola.

The tiny insects belong to the species Aethiessa floralis, and are characterised by their black-brown colour, their preference for arid environments like garigue and Carmel Cacopardo’s eyebrows, and their staunch, almost militant anti-abortion views.

“We are an admittedly small faction of the party, in more ways than one, but Arnold always championed our interests,” a spokesbeetle for the group told Bis-Serjetà.

“While we are devastated by his resignation, we will continue to fight to protect our natural habitat, and tell human women what they can and can’t do with their own bodies,” it continued.

The spokesbeetle added that cracks began to appear in the Green party when foreign longhorn beetles started joining and spreading their “liberal, atheist, baby-killing agenda.”

The interview was cut short when a human anti-abortionist who was passing by stepped on the beetle.

“So much for being pro-life eh?” coughed the beetle sardonically as it breathed its last breath.