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Malta wins gold in synchronised outrage

Malta has won its first ever Olympic gold medal, after coming first in the synchronised outrage competition in Paris.


Opinion – Bernard Grech can become Prime Minister if he changes his name to...

Sunday's election results came as a shock to everyone. A Labour victory felt like a foregone conclusion, with polls predicting a majority...

The benefits of a destructive earthquake – by Michael Stivala

I read with interest the article in The Times last Sunday in which an expert said that many of Malta's buildings probably...

How dare you ungrateful bastards hate my pretty flowers? – by Jason Micallef

I've been seeing a lot of comments about the flower boxes I recently placed in Freedom Square, which will now be there...

Opinion: Prostitution law reform must safeguard my right to get laid

Last week, several women's rights NGOs expressed their disappointment that the technical committee set up to look at reforming laws related to...

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